Why Video Games are Art | The Beauty of Play, and How ‘Fun’ is not the Opposite of Art
This video tries to definitively answer why videogames are art.
Historically, art has always been a performance of some kind, and games fall firmly into that category. Games are about meaning, emotion, purpose, storytelling, abstract systems and imitation. These attributes cover many of the definitions of art conceived of by art theorists through the ages.
Why games are art ? Are Videogames Art?
Games are art in more ways than one.
You still have many who say videogames are not art, and they are right. Many games are not art just like there are books and movies that are not art. Just because some games are not art, does not mean all games are not art, or that some games can’t be.
This video tries to definitively answer why videogames are art.
The art of play involves expression creativity and flair, and we live out stories through our actions. An artform has rules and historical lineage, just like games. Games are art because we engage with and discuss them in meaningful ways, and they effect people deeply.
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The Game Overanalyser
Roger Ebert games
The film critic Roger Ebert once said that games can never be art, because they fundamentally detract from the authorship of creators, have win conditions and, are about fun. But to say videogames are not art is to make a premature judgement in my estimation.
Why are games art? Becuase they fulfill all the criteria for art in accordance with any number of different definitions, and so to relegate it to not being art is to say that art doesn’t exist at all. There are art games that deliberately want to take fun away from the player, as well as games that have been preserved in museums. I go into this in the video.
Why games are art Are games art Games are art Video games are art art games the art of games are games art journey art why Videogames are art Videogames are an artform. Games are an artform. Are games an artform Critical analysis Are Video Games Art ? | A Critical Analysis of an Endless Debate