The Best 15 Martial Arts Games
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Martial arts have informed all media for years, and video games are no different. And while games are yet to have anything approaching the iconic quality of martial arts movies, there have still been some great ones over the years. Here are fifteen such games.
00:00 Intro
0:24 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
1:45 Shaolin Vs Wutang
3:40 Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate
4:37 TEKKEN 7
5:47 Shenmue III
7:24 Yakuza 0
8:39 9 Monkeys of Shaolin
9:36 Absolver
UFC 3 (Video has been Removed)
10:47 Kings Of Kung Fu
11:38 Overgrowth
13:12 Kung Fu Strike
14:11 Redeemer
15:34 Shuyan Saga
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