Pixel Art Class - Intro to Game UI - revartsgaming.com

Pixel Art Class – Intro to Game UI

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Heya, Pals. This one is pretty theory-heavy and covers a lot of ground in very light detail because there’s a lot of it. Next week we’ll go into specifics on techniques for the art side of UI (texturing, animation, colour use, etc). Until then, enjoy!

0:00 Introduction
1:40 Basic UI Components
5:42 Navigation & Input
9:10 Feedback, Affordances & Skeuomorphism
13:23 Examples in Aseprite
19:00 Creating Visual Hierarchy
22:25 Applying Style & Theme
27:06 Animating Button States


This video features clips from my stream. Catch it live: Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 1-6pm AEST.

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Later, pals!