Jimquisition: The Definition of Art Games
The Escapist
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There’s nothing like a debate about art games to ensure that everybody has a fun, enlightening, and not-at-all-aggravating time! Let’s discuss the assertion that “art game” as a descriptor doesn’t work, that it’s a broken term and people ought to call “art games” something else. Let’s fight that assertion in order to continue a petty little argument Jim might have had on a podcast.
That’s a debate we’re all going to enjoy, right? Well … we will when The Jimquisition tackles it, because The Jimquisition is like an infection of insight, festering in the wound of your own cluelessness and readying to give you Knowledge Gangrene.
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A show in which a fat British man who wears sunglasses indoors rants angrily about the injustices of mankind, interspersed with MS Paint doodles of videogame characters doing terrible things.