How to Make Game Art When You CAN’T!
How do you create sprites for your game when you can’t draw?
How can you get awesome graphics when you’re just a programmer?
Earlier or later you’ll need some art for your game! But let’s be honest: A lot of game devs can’t draw. We can’t come up with awesome color pallets and we don’t know how to create the slickest sprite sheets.
In my opinion beginners just need to try a ton of different styles and in order to do that you’ll have to find an efficient way to do so. Best case scenario: You procedurally generate different art styles directly in engine. This way you can just wait for a style you like and go with that.
If you create further design variations on that and iterate your results, you’ll hopefully manage to gradually improve the overall look of your game.
Making a good looking game with awesome graphics is definitely tough, when you’re not a professional artist. If you put in the time and the effort, it’s definitely possible, though.
Also try to get some feedback from friends and others in order to evaluate your design ideas. That’ll help you to stay on track and take the correct decisions for your indie game.
How do you create the graphics / sprites for your games? Let me know in the comments.