Hi-Bit Era - The Future of Pixel Art Games // HeavyEyed - revartsgaming.com

Hi-Bit Era – The Future of Pixel Art Games // HeavyEyed

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**This video is inspired by an article written by Jo-Remi Madsen of Dpad Studios @JoeyGames **

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We’re at the dawn of a new era of games, The Hi-Bit Era. Hi-Bit games are a new form of pixel art that is starting to crop up more and more frequently, the term coined by Jo-Remi Madsen of Dpad Studios, the team behind Owlboy. So let’s take a look at this dawning new era.

Footage of Alx Preston taken from the Vice Documentary –
‘Hyper Light Drifter’ – Inside the Video Game Inspired by a Life-Threatening Illness //


SteveOHobo //

Perrydactyl //

Owlboy OST

Philanthrope – Things Fall Apart//

Given Names – Monday //

Zencha – At the End of Days //