Dwarf Fortress - Kruggsmash Talks about Art, Games and Youtube. - revartsgaming.com

Dwarf Fortress – Kruggsmash Talks about Art, Games and Youtube.

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Rad art is by @cooler_sk


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00:00 Intro
02:15 When did you start playing dwarf fortress?
03:40 What kept you coming back?
06:52 When did you learn to draw?
09:44 Drawing monsters
11:10 Do you use every drawing?
12:05 Artstyle
13:05 Why did you start making videos?
16:21 Did you ever think it would get this big? (Giggity)
17:50 Did you have any influences?
20:15 Do you have any favorite series?
24:33 So much to do in df.
27:25 What feature would you add to df
30:45 any major updates you are looking forward too?
31:55 Obligitory whats your take on the steam edition?
33:50 How will the steam edition effect the existing community?
35:55 Blinds take on the privious question
38:40 Stress working as a creator
41:35 How blind got into df
43:25 Outro

Dwarf Fortress – Kruggsmash Talks about Art, Games and Youtube.